vineri, 10 februarie 2017

Mexican govt is seeking changes in US plan to expand border fences Secret discount of the month at DbConvert.
SHOTLIST Mexico City- 30 July 2007 1. Wide of press conference given by members of Mexico's Environmental Agency (SEMARNAT) 2. SOUNDBITE: (Spanish) Juan Rafael Elvira, Environment Secretary: "The eventual construction of this barrier would place at risk the various ecosystems that we share along the border and the species that inhabit this area." 3. Cutaway of photographer 4. Cutaway of reporter 5. SOUNDBITE: (Spanish) Enrique Lendo, International Affairs Coordinator for the Environment Department: "The only international resort left is the Hague court (International Court of Justice in the Hague). We could, at some point, consider bringing this case before the the courts in the Hague." 6. Wide of press conference FILE April 2005 - U.S./Mexico Border 7. Various of border barrier STORYLINE The Mexican government said Monday it is seeking changes in a U.S. plan to expand fences along the two nations' border because of the threat to migratory species accustomed to roaming freely across the frontier. The Environment Department called on the Washington to alter or mitigate the border barriers - aimed at stopping migrants from crossing illegally into the US - where necessary because the fences would seriously hurt species that cross the 1,952-mile (3,218-kilometre) border. Mexico also wants Washington to expand its environmental impact study on the fences and will file a complaint with the United Nations' International Court of Justice in the Hague, Netherlands if necessary. "The eventual construction of this barrier would place at risk the various ecosystems that we share," said Environment Secretary Juan Rafael Elvira, noting that the border is not just desert, but includes mountains, rivers and wetlands. A report prepared for the Mexican government by experts and activists from both nations said the fences could isolate border animals into smaller population groups, affecting their genetic diversity. Environmentalists say highly endangered species like the antelope-like Sonoran Pronghorn _ of which only about 100 still exist - could be wiped out in coming years, because they are used to moving across the border in search of scarce grassland. Even strong lighting or radar could interfere with nocturnal species in border areas, and construction, maintenance and traffic along the walls would affect a wider strip of border land than just the fences themselves, the report states. Officials said Mexico is considering filing a complaint with the International Court of Justice but the government wants to first explore "alternatives ... that don't affect natural resources." They did not say what those alternatives might be, but the report suggested creating bridge areas where ecosystems can continued connected, and wilderness areas or "green corridors" without roads that experts say may be less attractive to smugglers. It also suggested "live" fences of cactuses, non-permanent or removable fencing, night-vision instead of radar and more permeable fencing to allow water, insects and pollen to move across the border. You can license this story through AP Archive: Find out more about AP Archive: