joi, 16 martie 2017

Rat Soap (music video collage) Artensoft secret sale: 56%Off.
Awhile ago we were asked to go out to a place in down town Tampa called Rat Soap to check out the facility and to maybe use it to film...when we got there we found a proper underground Rave/Warehouse party...Luckily we brought our cameras and took a little footage...I totally forgot about that footage until one night when I was bored and couldn't fall asleep, so I decided to try and use the very limited footage I had of Rat Soap and make it into a Music Video Collage using BassNectars "Lights Remix"...Just for fun...I also decided I try and edit it on Final Cut Pro X instead of Adobe Premiere Pro that I'm used to...So this is the best I could do in one night, with limited footage, no sleep and a new video editing program...(No color correction or filters of any sort were used)....enjoy and please like!