miercuri, 26 septembrie 2018

How Clone Sites Can Make You Look Like A Real Business On Your First Day

https://bit.ly/2Q9NTjb Secret sale page - Ncrypted.
http://JoeCrumpBlog.com - Sign up for free real estate investing training with 25 year real estate veteran, Joe Crump. Learn how to build an automated, sustainable, profitable investing business with no down payments and no credit. Discover the most advanced automation software for investors available today at: http://www.PushButtonAutomarketer.com Learn how it will bring you a flood of motivated seller financed leads every single day. I'm going to show you how to use websites, specifically the Automarketer clone sites, to make yourself look like a pro right from the beginning. This is your brick and mortar business. If you go to the clone site section, this is a drop down, so you go to the clone sites and then go to, click on clone sites, this page will come up. And just so you know, there is a website editor so you can change the website, you can add video or audios or do anything you want to your website by going to the html editor here. There's also a drag and drop editor that's in beta that we're still playing with but it seems to be working well and we've made that available and it's easier to use than regular html, although not quite as full featured as an html editor. The properties that you've got for sale will show up here. Remember the seller questionnaire that I showed you in the previous videos? When you fill those out, they'll show up here when you tell it to come to your listing site. But there's also, if you don't have any properties for sale, and this is your first day in business, and you don't want to look, you don't want to just have a blank page that makes you look like you're not in business yet, what we've done is, we're partnering with our other users on the system and we allow each other to use their properties. Now, you're, they're going to show up as sold on your page, so you're not going to sell their properties for them. That doesn't make sense for them to do that. But, they are allowing you to put it on your page so you look like you're in business and people usually will call you about properties that are already sold anyway so you don't have to worry about that. To read the whole transcript and more of Joe Crump's articles, click here: http://joecrumpblog.com/?p=13878 Six Month Mentor Program: http://www.ZeroDownInvesting.com