duminică, 18 noiembrie 2018

Legal obligations and responsibilities for data processors and controllers under the GDPR

https://bit.ly/2MsYLJR Confidential secret sale page.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes a significant number of obligations and responsibilities on controllers and processors. To help organisations that are seeking compliance to understand these implications, this webinar provides an overview of: - The definitions of 'data controller' and 'data processor' under the GDPR. - The responsibilities and obligations of controllers and processers. - The data breach reporting responsibilities of controllers and processors. - The liability of, and penalties that may be imposed on, data processers and controllers. - The appointment of joint controllers and the restrictions on subcontracting processors. Register for our upcoming GDPR webinars here: https://www.itgovernance.co.uk/webinars/eu-gpdr-webinar