vineri, 22 februarie 2019

Evil Jester Kids Costume, Black/Red, Size XS | California Costume Collection

A Dramatic Rebellion You've been the King's official court jester for quite some time. You've gained his trust, but you know he's a terrible ruler. He's oppressive and cruel and unjust. So when a bunch of rebels approached you for help, of course you're going lend a hand! And what better way to do that than become an evil version of yourself, right under the King's nose? It's not like he ever notices anything going on around him anyway--that's why everybody wants him out! So, on the night of his dramatic overthrow, make sure to put on this King's Evil Jester Costume and help scare him out of office. It won't be hard. This costume is guaranteed to frighten anybody, so a king who's been sheltered his whole life will be an easy target. You'll probably get him to cry before the night's end! We bet you can, no problem. One sight of you in this practically brings tears to our eyes. Fun Details For the most terrifying dramatic effect, this black and red costume has jagged hemlines on the shir Discounted at only: US$ 24.99