marți, 18 septembrie 2018

Catch Cheating Spouses - Cell Phone Spy Software works on Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile... Hidden sale for spy apps - Want to spy on someones cell phone but their cell phone is not compatible with any other spy software or you can't get access to the phone to install the spy software because they are hundreds or even thousands of miles away? The one question that gets asked over and over again is 'Is is possible to spy on a cell phone if you can't install spy software to it?' The answer is always the same: yes you can spy remotely on a cell phone but you need to make sure you choose the right phone spy - that is key. Most mobile spy software gets installed to the phone you want to spy on - the type of phone spy we are talking about here is a little different. Regular cell phone spy software does NOT have this capability. A Remote Cell Phone spy software does. This unique spy software, unlike most phone spy apps, gets install on your own phone an not the one you want to spy on. Since no spying software or spy app gets installed on to the mobile phone you are going to spy on the chances of that person knowing they are being spied on is nill. The last step in the remote phone spy setup process is to program the spy software on our phone which phone we want to spy on. In other words, we need to tell the remote spy app 'who' we want to spy on. To 'frequency pair' our phone (the one now with the remote cell spyware spy on it) with the target phone we must make a phone call to it and stay connected for at least a half a minute. The purpose of this half a minute initial connection with the target phone after we install the spy to our phone is to communicate with our spy software and let it know which cell phone we are spying on.