marți, 18 septembrie 2018

Water Ripper- New Water Sports in the Bag Flvripper secret flash sale. - Low Impact technology, water absorbing, sports water bag. "skips like a Rock. Catches like a bag" WaterRipper does not leave a mark it leaves a smile! It always floats. It is a bag and not a ball. It collapses on impact. Explore the surface tension, wave action, impact studies, high density design, slow acting energy absorbing impact. see the high speed play, the skipping, strafe and rolling on water. See the slow motion video action, the sounds and experience the fun. WaterRipper is easier to play with than other Water Balls. It is a bag not a ball and it does not bounce on water or on concrete. it collapses on impact. These are the differences between the WR and the leading Water Balls like the Waboba Ball or the Water Bouncer. Kids really enjoy playing RipperBall Sports with the WaterRipper. Watch it roll and streak across the pool.