duminică, 21 octombrie 2018

Lecture 21 - Advanced data processing

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Basic R online course Lecture 21 - Advanced data processing Commands and concepts * apply * aggregate * merge R function for retrieving weather data: http://agroclimate.org/R-Course/getWeather.R Just copy and paste the code on R. Class project: R library for climate change analysis using CRONOS weather data http://agroclimate.org/R-Course/Online%20R%20class%20project.doc My linkedin profile http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tiago-zortea/51/463/2a5 Course links Lecture 1 - Overview of the online basic R tutorial - http://youtu.be/Ups49fkux5A Lecture 1.1 Optional - Why should I learn R - http://youtu.be/eORsF1FRssk Lecture 2 - What is going to be covered - http://youtu.be/T86nz40YaU0 Lecture 3 - Getting started (installation) - http://youtu.be/bBcMCzqAwHE Lecture 4 - Basic data manipulation - http://youtu.be/Wk3vEyQP5Uw Lecture 5 - Basic data manipulation 2 - http://youtu.be/EJhC3xLfxdw Lecture 6 - Data manipulation exercise solving - http://youtu.be/Uuh5Bh3IDPQ Lecture 7 - Data types - http://youtu.be/93ovbFOMblQ Lecture 8 - Data types 2 - http://youtu.be/6NtnzgSLCpY Lecture 9 - Import and export data with R - http://youtu.be/fnke98HoSFs Lecture 10 - Characters - http://youtu.be/A0Qv7szwkkw Lecture 11 - Date/Time - http://youtu.be/lSLMHKKdQpY Lecture 12 - Date/Time exercise solving - http://youtu.be/Px_ghIREOg0 Lecture 13 - Vectors - http://youtu.be/WM7gvWYAH-8 Lecture 14 - Conditional statements - http://youtu.be/zSDsC7ZV61o Lecture 15 - Vectors and conditional statements exercise - http://youtu.be/SD96GtBonXU Lecture 16 - Matrices - http://youtu.be/9xqlMVlCSbU Lecture 17 - Looping structures in R - http://youtu.be/dxVFxBOVsXA Lecture 18 - Loops exercise solving - http://youtu.be/VhbAKXD0lTs Lecture 19 - Functions - http://youtu.be/c1B5TOiSNSE Lecture 20 - Plot and Graphs - http://youtu.be/N_ow5_a14K8 Lecture 21 - Advanced data processing - http://youtu.be/cDYTQXC5KVM Lecture 22 - Project final code overview - http://youtu.be/zkEUQxoIyjk Lecture 23 - R packages and closing remarks - http://youtu.be/OB5VlLRq4mc Lecture 24 - (Optional) Efficient work environment - http://youtu.be/mPmO30nGOwk Lecture 25 - (Optional) Examples of R usage in my work - http://youtu.be/lHavpSPqXpo